Menyen var som følger:
- Lauwarmer Hummer mit braisiertem Chicorée in Sauternescoulis
- Glacierter Loup de mer auf getrüffelten Artischocken in Champignonsud
- Das Beste vom Müritz-Lamm mit gefüllter Polenta
- Gebackener Rohmilchkäse mit Tomtenkonfitüre
Enjoy Life
Put yesterday behind you,
It's gone and won't come back
And we cannot see ahead
Far down tomorrow's track
Enjoy the fleeting moments
That come just for today,
The sweet song of a bluebird
The morning sun's first ray,
A warm and loving handclasp
Welcome letters in the mail
A bunch of fragrant violets
Rain splashing in a pail.
Each day has something special,
Some joy or souvenir
It might be gone tomorrow
So enjoy it while it's here. is a gift,
that´s why they call it the present
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