Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.
Roy Goodman
søndag, mars 14, 2010
The invitations are in the mail!
Finally and thanks to the help of great friends - thank you very much Claudia AKA Hexe & Peter! - the invitations have been sent. We hope you all have time to join us for the big day!
If you would like to give us a present, we would be delighted over a contribution to our honeymoon, then it's up to you: Bristol or Bahamas...
Wenn ihr uns ein Geschenk machen wollt, freuen wir uns über einen Beitrag zu unserer Hochzeitsreisekasse, denn ihr entscheidet: Schwerin oder Südsee...
Hvis dere har lyst til å gi oss en gave, gleder vi oss over et bidrag til bryllupsreisen, for dere bestemmer: blir det Hønefoss eller Hawaii...
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